சனி, ஜனவரி 14, 2012

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Spirulina news, articles and information:

Discover the superfood power of spirulina

11/19/2011 - Foods that have an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their nutrient value are considered 'super-foods.' The blue-green algae spirulina is one of the most primitive forms of life on the planet. This algae is known for its extraordinary survival adaptations. Spirulina is considered...

Spirulina - Packed with protein, B12 and iron

9/27/2011 - Spirulina, a blue-green algae, is a superfood by any definition. It has been used since the 16th century by the Aztecs and North Africans. It was later rediscovered by the French, who later opened the first Spirulina processing plant in 1969, and soon after in Japan, Thailand, California, and Hawaii....

Discover the radiation protective benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella

3/21/2011 - Protecting yourself in the event of a serious radiation event involves much more than simply loading up on potassium iodide and various other iodine supplements. While high levels of iodine do protect the thyroid and glandular systems from radiation poisoning, they do not necessarily protect the rest...

Inventory status update for natural iodine sources, radiation detox superfoods at NaturalNews Store

3/17/2011 - Because of the extremely high demand on all these products due to the possibility of radiation fallout from the Fukushima power plant near-meltdown event, we are now publishing status updates of inventory and ship dates for all radiation-related products offered through the NaturalNews Store. This...

Nourish yourself with the ultimate superfood

3/9/2011 - Spirulina, literally the most nutritious food known, is an edible blue-green algae used all over the world for its nutritional and medicinal qualities. It is very common for people consuming Spirulina to experience a jump in energy and vitality. The reason is simple: Spirulina is a powerhouse of nutrition....

Try Natural Energy Boosters that Last

10/23/2010 - Energy is something that we all feel a little short on from time to time. It's a good thing that there are a myriad of natural energy boosters that we can eat, drink, or take as a supplement to help us be peak performers all day long. The trick with energy boosters is that you don't want to over...

NaturalNews connects readers with premium astaxanthin and spirulina at unheard-of discount prices

3/17/2010 - As many NaturalNews readers already know, I've been a strong advocate of the amazing super-antioxidant nutrient astaxanthin for several years. And the source I have consistently recommended is Nutrex Hawaii, the name brand of the Cyanotech corporation based on the Big Island of Hawaii. Today, thanks...

Spirulina and Chlorella Aid Heavy Metal Detox

12/15/2009 - From aluminum in deodorant to mercury in dental fillings, metal toxicity comes at us from every angle these days. The presence of these heavy metals (and others such as arsenic, cadmium and lead) has increased as industrialization and its waste products spread. We can work to avoid these substances...

Chlorella detoxifies the body by removing mercury and other heavy metals

10/30/2009 - There's mercury everywhere around us, it seems. It's in the food (seafood), the medicines (vaccines) and even the lights (compact fluorescent lights). And that doesn't even cover mercury fillings still used by crazed dentists who insist mercury is "perfectly safe" to chew on! All the sane people...

Spirulina helps treat anemia

10/10/2009 - Many people don't know this, but spirulina is an outstanding dietary aid to help prevent (or reverse) anemia. What follows is a compilation of expert quotations on precisely this topic, cited from some of the most authoritative books and authors in the world. Feel free to cite this information in your...

Superfood Profile: Blue-Green Algae and Spirulina Offer Many Health Benefits

9/18/2009 - Today's scientists are only beginning to grasp the incredible nutritional value of blue-green algae and spirulina, but these superfoods have a reputation that reaches far back into history. A form of blue-green algae was consumed regularly hundreds of years ago by Aztecs, while spirulina was a favorite...

Astaxanthin: The Miracle Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Nutrient

5/24/2009 - For years, I've been a strong proponent of astaxanthin, a remarkable nutrient sometimes called "King of the carotenoids!" Derived from microalgae (and also found in wild salmon), astaxanthin is on my list as one of the top three most important nutrients for human health. I take an astaxanthin supplement...

Add Spirulina to Your Diet and Replace those Expensive Supplements

2/23/2009 - Spirulina is considered one of nature's most perfect foods because it performs such a broad spectrum of activities in the body. Its nutritional profile shows it can replace many more expensive supplements, and its research profile reveals its dedication to promoting good health. Several animal studies...

Dr. Jameth Sheridan Shares Three Tips for Overall Health: Part III

12/11/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at http:// www.RenegadeRoundtable.com. In this excerpt, Dr. Jameth Sheridan shares on iron and anemia and his top three tips for overall health. Renegade Roundtable with Dr. Jameth Sheridan. Dr. Sheridan is a...

Chlorella Reduces Body Fat, Total Cholesterol, and Blood Glucose Levels

10/27/2008 - If you are interested in reducing body fat, getting your cholesterol level under control and staying clear of diabetes, chlorella may be just the perfect superfood. Researchers have recently investigated the effects of Chlorella on people with high-risk factors for lifestyle diseases and found that...

Four Inexpensive Whole Food Supplements

10/15/2008 - There is no denying that times are tough for everyone. Some people may be considering cutting back on the amount they spend for supplements, thinking that they really aren't seeing any results, so why keep buying them. This may be a good time to find out that all the nutrients needed for complete and...

Boku Superfood Launches Enhanced Superfood Formula; Earns Editor's Choice Recommendation

10/13/2008 - Since its introduction last year, Boku Superfood has remained at the very top of my list of recommended superfood powder products. The formulation is simply outstanding, the value of the product is unbeatable, and the taste will win you over. It has become the most frequently used superfood product...

Among the Global Food Crisis, Spirulina May Help Stave Off Starvation

9/16/2008 - Most of us who have seen the Poseidon Adventure movie have seen what a rouge wave can do. Most seamen know of this rare hazard of the deep sea. What are unknown are simultaneous rouge waves –- not much can be done against one, image several hitting your ship of life at the same time. Events are beginning...

Marine Phytoplankton is Next Revolutionary Superfood for Disease Prevention and Extraordinary Health

8/14/2008 - In previous articles and product reviews here on NaturalNews, we've covered some astonishing superfoods. The most impressive of those have been derived from microalgae: Astaxanthin, Chlorella, Spirulina and Blue-Green Algae. Now, a new microalgae product has emerged in the natural products market...

Nutritional Authority David Wolfe Shares Important Diet Information

7/28/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at (http://fountainofyouthworldsummit.com) . In this excerpt, David Wolfe shares the experiences that led him to be a health educator and tips on metabolism. The Fountain of Youth World Summit with David...

Spirulina: A Budget Friendly Super Food and Answer to Food Scarcity

6/2/2008 - Spirulina just may be nature's most perfect food. These tiny blue green spiral coils harvest the energy of the sun and turn it into a treasure chest of bio-available nutrients. Designed by nature 3.6 billion years ago, these blue green algae were the generators of the oxygen found in our atmosphere...

The Chia 'Cheat Sheet' and Ten Raw Chia Recipes

1/8/2008 - Chia seed is an ancient superfood that is currently experiencing a glorious renaissance. It is a member of the sage family (Salvia Hispanica). The little black and white seeds were once a staple of the Incan, Mayan and Aztec cultures, along with the Native Americans of the southwest. "Chia" is actually...

The Organic Food Bar packs a nutritional punch in portable form

9/26/2005 - Today I'm excited to be reviewing a fantastic health food snack bar called "The Organic Food Bar." It's made by a company called Organic Food Bar, Inc., and it has a fantastic combination of healing ingredients put together in a tasty, portable format that makes it convenient to get good nutrition into...

Chlorella as a powerful defense against cancer

6/14/2005 - Amazing things truly do come in small packages. One of your most powerful weapons against cancer is chlorella -- a unicellular, green algae. This tiny algae packs a powerful punch. In Prescription for Dietary Wellness, Phyllis A. Balch explains, "Chlorella…contains the highest chlorophyll level per...

Spirulina shown to prevent and treat cancers while boosting immune system function

6/11/2005 - Nature can provide you with valuable weapons against cancer, but like all things, it's up to you to use them. Although the Japanese have known about and used spirulina for medicinal purposes for years, this form of microalgae is still not "mainstream" in American diets. Spirulina natively grows in alkaline,...

Are the coral calcium claims by Bob Barefoot credible and believable?

6/6/2005 - A reader asks, "Mike, I recently ran across a book titled 'The Calcium Factor,' authored by Robert Barefoot. He extols the almost miraculous healing powers of calcium, especially coral calcium. And I would like to know what you think about this. The fact that Bob Barefoot seems to have significant financial...

The A-List: Top Products Recommended By Mike Adams

5/24/2005 - These are products and services I personally use and highly recommend to others. They include health products, technology products, services and food & grocery items. Nobody pays to be listed here. I do not earn affiliate fees, kickbacks or sponsorship fees of any kind for listing products here. Health...

An overview of new health products, plant technology, superfoods and natural health research breakthroughs

5/22/2005 - In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the more interesting products and issues we're uncovering these days. There’s a product that I highly recommend for those that want a nutritious food bar made with real food, and not a bunch of processed or manufactured ingredients. It's called LaraBar,...

Spirulina: trace minerals content, consumer tastes, and green foods

10/25/2004 - Mike: You mention that trace minerals are part of the food you provide to the spirulina cultures. Are these the same trace minerals that are found in ocean water, then, and how much are absorbed by the spirulina? Gerry: Well, we actually use something very unique which I don't think is duplicated...

An inside look at spirulina production: an exclusive interview with Dr. Gerry Cysewski, CEO of Cyanotech Corporation

10/25/2004 - Mike: For our readers who may not be familiar with microalgae and spirulina, can you give a brief overview of what we're talking about, and about what role your company plays in the industry? Gerry: Okay, well first of all, I'd like to point out that Cyanotech, the name comes from cyanobacteria or...

Spirulina research shows treatment of breast cancer tumors, HIV virus, and other viruses

10/25/2004 - Gerry: Spirulina contains some anti-viral and immune stimulating compounds that we're just learning about. Mike: Can you talk more about that? Do you have some clinical trials on that yet, or what's the science behind that so far? Gerry: We don't have any specific clinical trials. There's been...

Workplace health enhanced by offering spirulina supplements to employees; larger studies could show reduction in health insurance costs for employers

10/25/2004 - Mike: What do you see as the big trends as far as the market penetration of spirulina and recognition around the globe -- what are the big issues here? Gerry: Well, surprisingly, spirulina is a mature product in the health food area, and the market has been relatively stable, I think over the last...

Potent antioxidant Astaxanthin shows promise as anti-inflammatory for arthritis, joint pain, back pain, muscle soreness and carpal tunnel syndrome

10/25/2004 - Mike: Let's move on to another product that you also manufacture at your firm called astaxanthin. And this is something that is not yet a household word. Could you give a little background on what this is and where it comes from? Gerry: I certainly can, and you're right -- this is a new product into...

Q&A: How do I reduce high cholesterol with the least amount of time, money and effort? (part 2)

10/13/2004 - This is part 2 of a 2-part article series on reducing high cholesterol. So far, we've talked about getting outside, getting natural sunlight on your skin, getting daily exercise, and choosing foods that promote health -- that is, the natural, raw, live foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and...

The top four superfood products for optimum health and disease prevention / reversal; recommended by Mike Adams

8/12/2004 - I get a lot of email asking the same question: "Mike, if you had to take just one nutritional supplement or vitamin product, what would it be?" Here's the answer to that question. If I were stranded on a desert island and had to choose just one nutritional supplement to have on hand, or if I were...

UC Berkeley Wellness Letter authors remain nutritionally illiterate about chlorella, spirulina, and blue-green algae

8/7/2004 - On this website we discuss the ignorance of western medical doctors and medical institutions with such frequency that it hardly seems unusual to find another case of health ignorance worth mentioning, but every once in a while, another article or news item is released by a so-called "credible" institution...

Product review: Alive! Whole Food Energizer, a whole foods vitamin and nutritional supplement that fights chronic disease

7/28/2004 - When it comes to outstanding commercially-produced nutritional supplements, the list is rather short. Far too many vitamins and supplements on the shelves of stores are made from chemical ingredients rather than natural sources. Yet we all know that vitamins and minerals should always come from plant...

The Atkins Diet Food Guide Pyramid, Part 6: Health Improvements

7/18/2004 - As good as the Atkins Good Guide Pyramid is, I think it's worth noting how it could be improved. First, the pyramid would benefit from clarifying the difference between refined and unrefined foods and ingredients. As mentioned previously, all the pictures on the pyramid show unrefined, natural ingredients....

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